[TYPO3-english] Current page url being added to all links on the page after first load
John McCarthy
2018-03-08 17:03:54 UTC

I'm assisting someone move their site to a new host and whilst everything has gone pretty smoothly - The site loads, the admin loads, features in the admin work etc.

The issue we're having is that after the first page load, say for example I'm directly entering: www.website.com/about. Everything loads, all assets, all links are correct. But if I then click another page in the menu (say contact), instead of going directly there, the url is www.website.com/about/contact, rather than www.website.com/contact.

The site configuration has not changed. And, the server setup as been configured as close to the original as possible. The only things changed are the database connection. The site will be on the same domain so no need to change anything there.

I work with PHP applications in general but, I don't have experience with Typo3. Here's a few things I hope may help someone point out my misconceptions on setup something that resolve the issue we're experiencing.

- The Typo Version is 4.5 (Hopefully moving to latest once this is all sorted)
- The base url is not set.
- Using extensions (url related)
- "RealURL Management" 0.3.4
-"RealURL: speaking paths for TYPO3"
- Real url cache and all other caches cleared
- tempconf cleared

If there are any other details that may help us get to the bottom of this, please let me know.

I very much appreciate any assistance here
Christian Hackl
2018-03-08 18:03:46 UTC
at the BE go to your page "about" than click in the top middle at the letter icon (page configuration) there must be a checkbox field from realurl to hide this side in the url...
John McCarthy
2018-03-08 19:09:25 UTC
Hi Christian, thanks for your advice.

I checked through the page properties/config and there's no mention of realurl but there is "Exclude from speaking URL". I tried checking this on and off but that didn't make any difference to the page slug being duplicated in the url.

Just to reiterate. When connecting to the page directly, everything works. It's only when clicking through to another page that the duplication happens.

I also presume all settings such as checkboxes in page properties were stored in either the database or config files and therefore are the same as the existing working site.

Also to note. I have started from scratch again after working on this for some time today. Just to ensure everything is identical to the working site other than database connection.


There is one more thing; as well as the menu urls having the current page slug duplicated in them. The asset files, scripts etc also have the current page in their url link. For example src="www.website.com/current-page/uploads/media/image.jpeg".

Apologies, that may have made a bit easier to determine where our issues reside if I'd put that in the original post.

Thanks again for your time.
Christian Hackl
2018-03-09 11:28:54 UTC
Have you set realurl to auto_conf or do you have a custom realurl_conf.php ?
John McCarthy
2018-03-09 13:51:23 UTC
There is an realurl_autoconf.php in the typo3conf dir if that helps? There's no realurl_conf.php in that dir, could be stored elsewhere in the system?

Christian Hackl
2018-03-09 17:30:43 UTC
you can check this in the extension manager in the backend. search for realurl and then click on the gear icon.
John McCarthy
2018-03-09 18:03:54 UTC
Thanks Chris,

The extension manager links don't have the gear icon, perhaps they aren't in this version?
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