[TYPO3-english] COA always true when used in if.isTrue.cObject?
2018-03-06 21:22:35 UTC
Dear all,

I've observed some -- at least: to me -- quite puzzling behavior in my
Typo3 7.6 installation. Consider the following TypoScript:

lib.textWithContent = TEXT
lib.textWithContent.value = foo

lib.textWithoutContent = TEXT
lib.textWithoutContent.value =

lib.coaWithContent = COA_INT
lib.coaWithContent {
10 = TEXT
10.value = foo

lib.coaWithoutContent = COA_INT
lib.coaWithoutContent {
10 = TEXT
10.value =

page.10 = TEXT
page.10 {
value = This should be visible (TEXT)...
if.isTrue.cObject < lib.textWithContent

page.20 = TEXT
page.20 {
value = This should be invisible (TEXT)...
if.isTrue.cObject < lib.textWithoutContent

page.30 = TEXT
page.30 {
value = This should be visible (COA)...
if.isTrue.cObject < lib.coaWithContent

page.40 = TEXT
page.40 {
value = This should be invisible (COA)...
if.isTrue.cObject < lib.coaWithoutContent

I'd expect entries 20 and 40 of the page array to not show up in the
rendered page, but alas! here's what I get:

This should be visible (TEXT)...This should be visible (COA)...This
should be invisible (COA)...

Obviously, the empty COA object at lib.coaWithoutContent is considered
being not-empty in page.40.if.isTrue.cObject < lib.coaWithoutContent.

Any explanation?

Cheers --

Stephan Schuler
2018-03-07 02:00:16 UTC
Hey there!


It's about caching.

The logical explanation:

TEXT is potentially cached, COA_INT is not.
Think about the second request. TEXT is supposed to not be recalculated but taken from cache. How can that depend on COA_INT, which might calculate differently compared to how it resulted during the previous request?

The technical explanation:

Wow, I'm old. Back in the days, there used to be something called the "TYPO3 Frontend Rendering Process".
Here it is:

TEXT is calculated on step 31 ("generate the page"), COA_INT as well as USER_INT are calculated on step 32 ("include non-cached objects").

Although that diagram is accurate for v4.1 and a lot of things have change since then, there's still a lot a lot of truth in that picture :).

The very technical explanation:

During step 31 of the previous diagram, all COA_INT and USER_INT sections are assumed as placeholder strings.
It's something like "<!--INT_SCRIPT.d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e--->"


That's what goes to the cache: The string output of the cachable part of your website filled with a couple of those INT_SCRIPT placeholders.

During step 32, all INT scripts are finally executed and their placeholder are replaced by the per-request individual result.

So I assume the TypoScript "if" part just casts "<!--INT_SCRIPT.d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e--->" to true.


Stephan Schuler
Softwareentwickler | netlogix Web Solutions

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Betreff: [TYPO3-english] COA always true when used in if.isTrue.cObject?

Dear all,

I've observed some -- at least: to me -- quite puzzling behavior in my
Typo3 7.6 installation. Consider the following TypoScript:

lib.textWithContent = TEXT
lib.textWithContent.value = foo

lib.textWithoutContent = TEXT
lib.textWithoutContent.value =

lib.coaWithContent = COA_INT
lib.coaWithContent {
10 = TEXT
10.value = foo

lib.coaWithoutContent = COA_INT
lib.coaWithoutContent {
10 = TEXT
10.value =

page.10 = TEXT
page.10 {
value = This should be visible (TEXT)...
if.isTrue.cObject < lib.textWithContent

page.20 = TEXT
page.20 {
value = This should be invisible (TEXT)...
if.isTrue.cObject < lib.textWithoutContent

page.30 = TEXT
page.30 {
value = This should be visible (COA)...
if.isTrue.cObject < lib.coaWithContent

page.40 = TEXT
page.40 {
value = This should be invisible (COA)...
if.isTrue.cObject < lib.coaWithoutContent

I'd expect entries 20 and 40 of the page array to not show up in the
rendered page, but alas! here's what I get:

This should be visible (TEXT)...This should be visible (COA)...This
should be invisible (COA)...

Obviously, the empty COA object at lib.coaWithoutContent is considered
being not-empty in page.40.if.isTrue.cObject < lib.coaWithoutContent.

Any explanation?

Cheers --

TYPO3-english mailing list
2018-03-07 06:29:34 UTC
Hi Stephan,

thank you for your detailed and instructive reply, in particular the
link to the rendering process chart. I'm sorry, though, you found my
example too long since I really tried to break down my actual problem
into a minimum working example, trying to use self-explaining object names.

Anyway, I'm not convinced that isTrue evaluates to true just due to some
placholder strings for non-cacheable objects since I get exactly the
same output when either

a) replacing the COA_INTs with plain COAs and/or
b) entirely removing the TEXT object from the supposedly empty COA(_INT).

(And yes, I did clear the cache after applying those changes... ;)

It seems that if.isTrue.cObject < some COA(_INT) always yields true, no
matter whether the content array is cacheable or not and/or does contain
anything at all.
So... is there any way to use COA(_INT)s in conditional typoscript
expressions and make decisions based on whether they render as empty or
non-empty string?

Cheers --

